Welcome to the USCG Risk Mitigation Conference Series Homepage
The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) have launched a new series of one-day virtual events dedicated to mitigating the risk in designing and building recreational boats. If you can't attend an event live, they are recorded and archived here. The conferences are free to attend (live or recorded) and award CEUs for completion of the events.
USCG Risk Mitigation Conference: Series 7 - New Technology in Electric, Fuel, Capacity, and Flotation
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In our 6th conference of the series, our speakers will discuss how boating incidents are reported, recorded, and categorized, and how that data informs standards and regulations, with ABYC and USCG professionals.
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Recorded On: 11/01/2023
Compliance plays a pivotal role as the marine industry continues to advance. Join ABYC and USCG experts as they explore the future of USCG factory visits, sustainability practices, and legal protection measures that are vital for thriving in a world of evolving technology.
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“Staying Current with Electrification'“ is an opportunity to discuss the current state of electrification and clear up any misconceptions regarding technology in the industry with ABYC and USCG professionals.
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"Defect Notification and Product Recalls" is a straightforward conversation with the U.S. Coast Guard and ABYC about what is considered a recall and when a defect notification is required. USCG personnel will present an overview of their compliance program with inspection statistics and common incidents of non-compliance while the ABYC team will outline ways to avoid a recall altogether. This is a must for boat and boat-accessory manufacturers.
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"Put the Fire Out!" will host roundtable discussions comprised of professionals who write and enforce the standards on fire suppression systems, as well as manufacturers and experts who work in fire suppression on a daily basis
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Regulations and Electrification will focus on the transition to electric systems in recreational boats, including propulsion and battery power bank alternatives to generators.
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