USCG Risk Mitigation Conference: Series 5 - Navigating Compliance in the Age of Evolving Technology
Recorded On: 11/01/2023
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2:00pm - Introduction |
Jeff Ludwig, USCG
Brian Goodwin, ABYC
2:05pm - General Update |
With their new equivalency authority, the USCG is changing their approach to issuing regulatory exemptions. During this roundtable discussion, the presenters will cover how the USCG will initially use this authority on PWCs and the placement of fuel pumps on gasoline engines. Additionally, you’ll hear about updated USCG policies and projects, including outboard center-of-gravity testing, global compliance labels, and a new approach to the factory visit program.
Jeff Ludwig, USCG
Brian Goodwin, ABYC
Eric Johnson, USCG
Kevin Ferrie, USCG
Craig Scholten, ABYC
2:30pm - USCG Factory Visits and Compliance |
In this session, we will hear from the USCG about a program being developed that would provide Coast Guard compliance-training for boat manufacturers to allow them to voluntarily submit data that confirms their boats are in compliance with the Coast Guard safety standards. In return, manufacturers could lower the likelihood of a USCG inspection at the factory. Additionally, the presenters will share proven methods that can be implemented today to confirm and maintain your product’s compliance.
Craig Scholten (ABYC)
Jeff Ludwig (USCG)
3:00pm - Electrification and Standardization: A Global Update |
Electric propulsion is all the buzz in the boating industry. As this technology becomes more mainstream, what are the gaps and challenges, and what is currently being addressed? This session will provide an overview of current electric propulsion regulations and standards in development, from a global prospective.
Craig Scholten (ABYC)
Jeff Wasil (NMMA)
3:30pm - Lithium Ion Battery Testing Update |
Lithium ion batteries have become an integral part of modern life, powering everything from smartphones and laptops to electric vehicles and boats. However, in recent times, there have been numerous reports of lithium-ion batteries experiencing fires or malfunctioning. This presentation provides an overview of tests conducted by ABYC to examine the failure modes of lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4 or LFP) batteries. The testing represents likely scenarios that may occur in recreational boating, including specific misapplications. Find out what was the most spectacular test.
Maciej Rynkiewicz (ABYC)