Marine Standards Certification - Online LIVE - May 2025
You must log in to register
- Non-member - $1,495
- Member - $985
- Cockpit Drainage and Electric Bilge Pump Systems - Design, installation, and maintenance.
- Potable Water Systems - components, installation and servicing.
- Electrical Systems (AC & DC) - batteries, generators, chargers and inverters.
- Engine Exhaust, Propulsion, Steering and Control systems - safety and compliance.
- Fuel & Ventilation Systems - for gasoline and diesel applications.
- Firefighting Equipment - Portable and fixed firefighting systems.
- Gasoline Detection Systems - gasoline, propane, and carbon monoxide.
- LPG Systems - installation and safety standards.
- Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Equipment - proper installation and compliance.
- Boat Heating Systems - Liquid and solid-fueled heaters.
- Navigation Lights & Sound Signal Appliances - Compliance with visibility and safety requirements.
- Load Capacity & Buoyancy - determining and managing vessel limits.
- Powering of Boats - ensuring adequate power.
- Boat Lifting & Storage - safe handling and storage practices.
ABYC Standards Covered:
◊ A-1 Marine Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Systems
◊ A-3 Cooking Appliances
◊ A-4 Fire Fighting Equipment
◊ A-6 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Equipment
◊ A-7 Liquid and Solid Fueled Boat Heating Systems
◊ A-14 Gasoline and Propane Gas Detection Systems
◊ A-16 Installation of Electric Navigation Lights
◊ A-23 Sound Signal Appliances
◊ A-24 Carbon Monoxide Detection Systems
◊ A-26 LPG and CNG Fueled Appliances
◊ A-27 Alternating Current (AC) Generator Sets
◊ A-28 Galvanic Isolators
◊ A-30 Cooking Appliances with Integral LPG Cylinders
◊ A-31 Battery Chargers and Inverters
◊ A-32 AC Power Conversion Equipment and Systems
◊ A-33 Emergency Engine/Propulsion Cutoff Device
◊ E-2 Cathodic Protection
◊ E-10 Storage Batteries
◊ E-11 AC and DC Electrical Systems on Boats
◊ E-13 Lithium Ion Batteries
◊ E-30 Electrical Propulsion Systems
◊ H-1 Field of Vision from the Helm Position
◊ H-2 Ventilation of Boats Using Gasoline
◊ H-4 Cockpit Drainage Systems
◊ H-5 Boat Load Capacity
◊ H-8 Buoyancy in the Event of Flooding/Swamping
◊ H-22 Electric Bilge Pump Systems
◊ H-23 Installation of Potable Water Systems
◊ H-24 Gasoline Fuel Systems
◊ H-25 Portable and Semi-Portable Marine Gasoline Fuel Systems
◊ H-26 Powering of Boats
◊ H-27 Seacocks, Thru-Hull Fittings, and Drain Plugs
◊ H-28 Inflatable Boats
◊ H-29 Canoes and Kayaks
◊ H-30 Hydraulic Systems
◊ H-32 Ventilation of Boats Using Diesel Fuel
◊ H-33 Diesel Fuel Systems
◊ H-35 Powering and Load Capacity of Pontoon Boats
◊ P-1 Installation of Exhaust Systems for Propulsion and Auxiliary Engines
◊ P-4 Marine Inboard Engines and Transmissions
◊ P-6 Propeller Shafting Systems
◊ P-14 Mechanical Propulsion Control Systems
◊ P-17 Mechanical Steering Systems
◊ P-18 Cable over Pulley Steering Systems for Outboard Engines
◊ P-21 Manual Hydraulic Steering Systems
◊ P-22 Steering Wheels
◊ P-28 Electric/Electronic Systems for Propulsion and Steering
◊ S-7 Boat Capacity Labels
◊ T-5 Safety Signs and Labels
◊ TH-22 Educational Information about Carbon Monoxide
◊ TH-23 Design, Construction, and Testing of Boats in Consideration of Carbon Monoxide
◊ TY-28 Boat Lifting and Storage
Registrations received by April 28:
$985 for members
$1,495 for non-members
Registrations received on or after April 29 include a late registration fee:
$1,110 for members
$1,620 for non-members
Price Includes:
Online pre-recorded videos: chapter review videos to guide you through the study guide.
3 LIVE course sessions: recordings available for 60 days after the course!
Study Guide: a spiral-bound study guide will be mailed to you. This study guide is essential to following the course instructions and preparing for the certification exam.
Chapter Quizzes: Quizzes will help reinforce key concepts covered in each chapter.
One Certification Exam: details on the exam are provided below.
CEUs: 32 (upon successfully passing the exam)
Live Online Course Schedule: ABYC Lead Instructor Mike Bonicker will lead LIVE course sessions, 3 days a week for 1 week, each 90 minute sessions.
(3:00pm – 4:30pm ET each day)
- January 14-16, 2025
How this course works:
- On-Demand learning study guide review for Chapters 1-6 to be completed prior to the 3 live online sessions.
- Attend the three live session for a quick review of Chapters 1-6.
- Login to this learning management site during the scheduled live event to participate.
- Each session with cover 1-2 chapters in chronological order of study guide
- Q&A with instructor at the end of each session
Certification Exam Testing:
At the end of the course, participants will take the certification exam online through a third party proctoring service. More details are provided on the Exam Info tab during the course.
Scheduling the exam is flexible and up to the participant. Participants may schedule their testing date & time . Online testing is available Mondays through Wednesdays all day and Thursdays until 1pm (ET). There will be given a 30 day test by deadline, if you do not test by the given date there is a $25 extension fee due to receive a new test by deadline.
Exam retesting: If you do not pass on your first attempt, you may sign-up to retest at anytime. There is a retesting fee of $179 per attempt. There is no deadline to sign-up to retest by, you may retest when you are confident and ready to challenge the exam.
Certification Designations:
ABYC's Certified Advisor or Certified Technician certification designations align with the type of work being performed by the individual. Upon passing the certification exam, participants will be awarded with the Marine Corrosion Advisor certification or Marine Corrosion Technician certification, depending on their role and work experience.
For more information Click Here
ADA Requests:
We want to ensure that you have the necessary support and accommodations to succeed. If you require any accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or any other support, please let us know as soon as possible so we can make appropriate arrangements. Students with ADA accommodations must inform the ABYC in writing of said needs at the time of class registration to ensure that any special accommodations can be made for exam taking.
Requests for cancellation and refund of a class registration must be submitted, in writing, no less than 10 days prior to the course start date. A $150 cancellation fee will apply. Refunds will not be considered for non-attendance. Cancellation requests may be emailed to Casey Bates at cbates@abycinc.org. Refunds will be issued within 30 days after the course end date.

Ed Sherman
ABYC Education VP (Retired)
Ed has been actively involved in the education business for over 35 years. He recently retired from ABYC where he was the Vice President of Education. Ed is a frequent contributor of technical articles for periodicals such as Boating, Boat US Magazine, Cruising World, and Marine Electronics Journal. Earlier in his career he was a frequent contributor to Professional Boat Builder magazine. His work has earned him multiple awards with Boating Writers International. Ed is the author of 4 best-selling marine trade titles and co-authored the ABYC textbook, “Fundamentals of Marine Service Technology.” He is the past chairman of the Marine Technology department at New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) in Warwick, RI. Ed has developed curriculum for NEIT, The International Yacht Restoration School IYRS, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Navy as well as the ABYC. He is an avid fly fisherman in both fresh and salt water and fountain pen aficionado.