ABYC Online Learning

Professional development for the marine industry

Battery Basics

Batteries are one of the most commonly installed and serviced items on a boat. They power engine starting systems, propulsion systems, safety equipment and convenience items. Unfortunately they are also one of the most common items to install incorrectly. Join Rob Berenwick as he discusses some of the ABYC standards that shape how a battery should be installed on a boat.

Topics Include:

  • Installation
  • Wiring Terminals
  • Boxes vs. Trays
  • Ventilation
  • Standards
  • ... and more


Member Price: $19.99

Non-Member Price: $23.99

Course Length: 30 mins

CEUs: 0.5

Rob Berenwick


Rob is the instructor of the Marine Service Technology program at Ocean County Vocational Technical School in Toms River, NJ. He teaches high school and post-secondary students and is a SkillsUSA advisor.  Rob has been employed in the marine industry for over 29 years, and has held many positions during his career such as: technician, service manager, and owner. He has earned numerous industry certifications from Yamaha, Mercury Marine, Evinrude, ABYC and NMEA.  Rob also works for ABYC as an Adjunct Technical Instructor. Rob and his wife LaRae have 3 children and live in Forked River, NJ. 

Fun Fact: Rob enjoys long walks on the beach, unicorns, lollipops, puffy clouds and dolphins.

Rob can be reached at:

Ed Sherman

ABYC Education VP (Retired)

Ed has been actively involved in the education business for over 35 years. He recently retired from ABYC where he was the Vice President of Education. Ed is a frequent contributor of technical articles for periodicals such as Boating, Boat US Magazine, Cruising World, and Marine Electronics Journal.  Earlier in his career he was a frequent contributor to Professional Boat Builder magazine.  His work has earned him multiple awards with Boating Writers International. Ed is the author of 4 best-selling marine trade titles and co-authored the ABYC textbook, “Fundamentals of Marine Service Technology.”  He is the past chairman of the Marine Technology department at New England Institute of Technology (NEIT) in Warwick, RI. Ed has developed curriculum for NEIT, The International Yacht Restoration School IYRS, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Navy as well as the ABYC.  He is an avid fly fisherman in both fresh and salt water and fountain pen aficionado.   


Battery Basics: Introduction
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Open to view video.
Battery Basics: Installation
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Open to view video.
Battery Basics: Battery Terminals and Connections
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Open to view video.
Battery Basics: Battery Containment
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Open to view video.
Battery Basics: Ventilation
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Open to view video.
Battery Basics: Making Connections
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Open to view video.
Battery Basics: 3 Step Voltage Test
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Open to view video. Testing on-board a boat with Ed Sherman
Battery Basics: Standards Considerations
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Open to view video.
Battery Basics: Wiring
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Battery Basics: Conclusion
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Battery Basics: Review Quiz
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/5 points to pass
5 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  3/5 points to pass
Certificate of Completion and Continuing Education Unit (CEU)
0.5 CEU credits  |  Certificate available
0.5 CEU credits  |  Certificate available